Do you think it's not worth introducing yourself to him? He won't remember anyway. This day will fade into the space just like his lost soul...
Don't turn around. They are just watching. You should not think about it.
It's good that you decided to join. Each of us comes to this decision, maybe not always by themselves. Wait... I don’t remember you passing through. Perhaps we came to you. In any case, it’s a long process. Don't make sudden movements, remember the code 888322.
We do not limit, prohibit, doubt, or condemn your views and desires. But you are forbidden to take this cookie and please do not look into the dog's eyes.

Remembering details does not mean seeing the whole in a space where emptiness extends its boundaries.
thoughts were stopped and turned into independent simulacra.
patients stop worrying about needing help. No worries if you're inside.
patients wished to stay in the structure and help the new ones. Finding a path with a friend is easier. The voice in your head won't say anything bad.
parallel universes have been found and cleansed of your suffering. Everything must happen here and now.
Help? Where would you like to find yourself after it ends? There is one way. You need a pass, and you already have it. Try to find the right door. It is closed in your mind, and don't count on it opening from your side.
Your thoughts may be directed in different ways. Follow the signs, and if you can't, just change the direction. The navigator works but not always. Follow the whisper from the dark; it knows better who you really are.
Knowledge is subjective. You are a product of what you've been told. Distance yourself from suggestions. Understand how you shouldn't act today. Are you sure decisions can't be wrong? Knowing isn't important; feelings say more.
Do not try to act alone. You know that your actions will lead to pain. The decisions you made brought you here. You need a new approach. We know where the exit is and which key opens it. Remember the code 10039.
Your tricky mind
Where was your home yesterday? Why don't you remember? What do you call home when your creation travels through other worlds? Can there be several places where you feel good or might there be none at all? You feel that you must move, but each step does not bring you closer to the goal.
You didn't do it. No one knows what you did and no one will remember your actions. The memories will stay only with you, and you can make them how you want to see them. You are an artist and shape your world independently.
The anticipation of the result does not allow you to enjoy its achievement. Hoping for the best, we do not understand what is good. Good for whom? Who will evaluate you when the journey ends? They observe. But they have more interesting engagements than you. Watch them, and hope to be seen at the right moment.
We do not need your money. We do not require your consent. We do not need compensation. You are here because it was meant to happen, and no one can stop the process.
Nothing bad can happen. All the bad things have already happened. Your body is not in danger; we are interacting only with the mental streams of consciousness and simulacrums of events.
Your friends can visit you. If you have friends. Even if they don't exist in this reality. You can create them at any moment from the best memories.