Help? Where would you like to find yourself after it ends? There is one way. You need a pass, and you already have it. Try to find the right door. It is closed in your mind, and don't count on it opening from your side.
Your thoughts may be directed in different ways. Follow the signs, and if you can't, just change the direction. The navigator works but not always. Follow the whisper from the dark; it knows better who you really are.
Knowledge is subjective. You are a product of what you've been told. Distance yourself from suggestions. Understand how you shouldn't act today. Are you sure decisions can't be wrong? Knowing isn't important; feelings say more.
Do not try to act alone. You know that your actions will lead to pain. The decisions you made brought you here. You need a new approach. We know where the exit is and which key opens it. Remember the code 10039.